Chile Container laboratories in 2018 - Office & Sample Preparation
Excellent quality makes customer order two containerized labs again
After the cooperation with the customer in the U.K. who ordered one fully transportable 40'HQ containerized laboratory for sample preparation and delivered to South Korea in the year 2015, the customer is very satisfied with our product and service. And so the customer ordered another containerized laboratory for its lab in Chile in the year 2018. According to the requirements from the customer, we designed and produced one fully transportable 40’HQ containerized office and one fully transportable 40’HQ containerized laboratory of sample preparation. The containerized office is stacked onto the containerized laboratory of sample preparation with stairs and corridor. Two containers were delivered to Arica, Chile at the same time.
The mobile containerized laboratory contains the followings:
1 x Pulverizer with 2 extra sets of grinding bowls. The Pulverizer is a Chinese brand instead of Essa, Alsto, Rocklabs or TM Engineering due to the budget requirement of the customer.
2 x Drying Ovens with 50 x Trays for Moisture Test. The drying ovens are manufactured by Decent according to customer’s requirements to heating mode, maximum temperature and temperature control mode.
1 x Mettler Balance which is purchased from an authorized distributor of Metter in China.
1 x Scale which is a Chinese band and made in China and purchased by Decent for customer according to customer’s requirements.
3 x Workbenches which are manufactured by Decent in China according to the dimension requirements from the customer.
1 x Riffle Divider which is produced by Decent in China.
10 x Sampling Scoops which are designed and manufactured by Decent according to customer’s requirements.
2 x Shelves for Sample Storage which are designed and manufactured by Decent according to dimension requirements from the customer.
1 x Electrical Cabinet which is designed and produced by Decent according to the electrical requirements and design according to all equipment which is required to be used in this containerized laboratory project.
1 x Ventilation System with Pulse Dust Collector which is designed and manufactured by Decent according to the sample preparation requirements from customers.
1 x Lighting System which is designed, prewired and installed by Decent according to the project requirements.
1 x Air Conditioner which is the Hair brand and made in China and purchased by Decent for the customer.
3 x Windows which are designed and installed according to customer’s requirements.
2 x Doors which are designed and installed according to customer’s requirements.
The mobile containerized office contains the followings:
4 x Office Desks & Chairs which are purchased by Decent according to customer’s requirements.
2 x File Cabinets which are purchased by Decent for customer according to customer’s requirements.
4 x Sample Shelves with 50 storage boxes for Sample Storage which are designed and manufactured by Decent according to dimension requirements from the customer.
10,000 x Sample Bags which are purchased by Decent according to dimensions requirements from the customer.
1 x Stair & Corridor which are designed and manufactured by Decent according to customer’s requirements.
1 x Electrical Cabinet which is designed and produced by Decent according to the electrical requirements to office operation.
1 x Lighting System which is designed, prewired and installed by Decent according to project requirements.
1 x Air Conditioner which is the Hair brand and made in China and purchased by Decent for the customer.
5 x Windows which are designed and installed according to customer’s requirements.
3 x Doors which are designed and installed according to customer’s requirements.
Below are reference photos of this project. The customer’s Logo has been deleted to protect the customer's benefit although the Logo is printed onto the outside wall of containers.